Saturday, June 16, 2012

Alright, Chris here...this is my first time I have written the blog - because it seems like Rachael is slacking in her blogging duties just a bit lately! Anyhow, life is good right now in Pittsburgh - we're getting prepared to be moving in a few weeks into a little apartment we found that's a little closer to work and school so we're very excited. I'm sure once everything is decorated nicely by my lovely wife we'll post some pics on here for all to see.  But for now - the main reason I wanted to put up a blog is to show off my fishing skills a little bit. I found some time a few weekends ago to try some trout fishing in a local stream and came home with dinner! So here are the pics of the nice batch of trout I brought home, enjoy! Oh, and I also put up some photos of the puppy we had for a few months just because she's pretty much the cutest dog I've ever seen haha.  Miley, if you're out there reading this, we miss you and hope your new owner is taking great care of you!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Since I didn't take any pictures from this holiday season, I thought I'd share some from last Christmas..It's crazy to think how far we've come in one year.....

Christmas Eve 2010, Our Engagement :)

We were incredibly fortunate to spend a good portion of the holidays at home in Wisconsin with our family.  It was absolutely wonderful to see everyone and spend time with the people we love the most!  Before going home for Christmas, we embraced our first Christmas season as a married couple and continued many of our family traditions here in Pittsburgh.  Our holiday season started off with an awesome package from St. Nick.  St. Nick is a very special tradition in my family, and it was a really great surprise that St Nick found us all the way here on the east coast ;)

Unfortunately during all the hustle and bustle I forgot to take a picture of our Christmas tree and our decorated apartment.  I absolutely love Christmas and I make every attempt to help Chris love it as much as I do!  So we had lots of fun decorating the apartment and tree (thanks for all the decorations Mom and Dad!), listening to Christmas music 24/7, lighting our Advent wreath every week, and watching tons of Christmas movies together!  I think I have definitely converted Chris from Christmas scrooge to Christmas lover. 

We flew back to Wisconsin on Friday, December 23 and flew back to Pittsburgh on December 30.  It was SO wonderful to be home for a week and spend time with family and friends..we certainly feel very loved and extremely blessed!

I was on call for work New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.  So, our New Year's Eve was spent on the couch watching movies and eating Chinese in our was very low key but also very nice!  Reflecting back on 2011 I can't help but feel exhausted!  This has been a very busy but amazing year: our wedding, my grandpa Valentyn's funeral, my cousin Leah's wedding, a honeymoon, a new job, a new school, a very big move to a new city, and lots of other "new" things.  Every day we talk about how lucky we truly are; sometimes it's very easy to lose sight of our abundant blessings when I am missing my family and wishing we were closer to home.  However, we trust that this incredible journey we are on is all in God's plan, and His plan is greater than anything we could ever understand.  We are so thankful for all of YOU, our wonderful family and friends who have shown us so much love and support this year especially!  THANK YOU!

We wish everyone many blessings in 2012.  Know that you are in our prayers, and that we love you all!

Much love,
Chris and Rachael

"Tell among the nations his glory, and his wonders among all the peoples, for the Lord is great and highly to be praised." Psalm 96 (95) 3-4 

Finals Week

Chris's first semester of dental school was completed on December 16.  He has worked so hard this semester and finals week was no different.  There were a lot of 2-hours-of-sleep nights, not too many showers, and lots of facial hair, but he did well on all his finals and ended up with good grades.  After a nice relaxing break, he is ready for semester 2!  I managed to get a few pictures from the week....

 I came home to find these towels taped to the chair for better back support..and of course one of our pillows for extra comfort.  He spent a lot of time in that chair during finals week!
 Taking a break to enjoy a delicious dinner ;)  The camouflage sweatshirt was worn a lot that week...
 Even during his crazy week he took time to make me this sign.  It was strategically hung on the door leading in the house from the garage so I would see it first thing when I arrived home from work.  Such a good husband!

Pittsburgh Light Up Night

In mid-November Chris and I attended "Light Up Night," a night of Christmas festivities in downtown Pittsburgh.  The giant Christmas tree is lit on this weekend, and there are a variety of vendors, bands, and activities for all ages.  The downtown area is decorated beautifully for Christmas, and right in the center is the giant Christmas tree surrounded by an ice rink.  It was so nice to spend time together and it was a great way to kick off our first holiday season in Pittsburgh!  Here are some pictures from that night:

 This beautiful tree in one of the buildings was surrounded by homemade gingerbread houses.

Ice skating rink...this whole scene reminded us of New York City..

Trying to get a good one in front of the tree!

I think Light Up Night will definitely be a new tradition for us!  The Christmas season in this new big city is actually pretty cool...lots of beautiful lights and decorations.  It was definitely very difficult to be far from home during the holiday season, but we tried to embrace Pittsburgh and all it has to offer this time of year!  :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Date Night!

This past week's date night was pizza night!  Chris and I decided we would make a homemade pizza, and it actually turned out great!  We were both a little skeptical, but pleasantly surprised.

Date Night!

Our Masterpiece! :)  It tasted soooo good!

Pizza night was such a success that Chris has requested we do it again this Friday night..we might just have to open up our own pizza parlor in our free time. ;) 

We are doing well and continue to be extremely busy!  We will be home the week of Thanksgiving, which we are both really looking forward to.  My brother has a SNC basketball game on Tuesday, November 22 which we will make it home just in time for!  We are so excited to see him play!  It will surely be a wonderful week to be reunited with family.  Thank you to everyone for your continued support, thoughts, and prayers.  We are so thankful for the abundance of blessings in our lives, and thank God everyday for all of you. 
Love and miss you all, and we will see you in 2 weeks from Tuesday! :)

Love always,
Chris and Rachael 
"For your kindness is a greater good than life; my lips shall glorify you.  Thus will I bless you while I live; lifting up my hands, I will call upon your name."
~Psalm 63

PS: Thanks for the subscription to The Word Among Us Mom and Dad!  We read it everyday and love it! :)

Nightly Walks :)

Chris and I try to take advantage of the beautiful Pennsylvania scenery as much as possible.  Whenever Chris needs a study break, or we have time on the weekends, we go for walks on the path right behind our apartment.  It is a great walking trail and our walks are a very therapeutic way to unwind from a long day and spend some time together!  

This is the Monongahelia River..literally in our backyard!

The lovely walking can see the apartments in the background..that's how close we are!


Beautiful views from the trail!

My wonderful, handsome husband

We love our walks together and will continue to take them until the weather gets too cold and snowy!  Although I bet the views are beautiful in the winter as well...

Love to all,
Rachael & Chris